Here and there and everywhere...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Nearing the end and approaching new beginnings

It's turned December 1 so Christmas has officially started here in the UK. We're looking forward to dusting off the xmas decorations and buying a huge xmas tree again. Tomorrow we are having our first glögg of the year and of course we've got Blossa vinglögg, the best and the yummiest one!

We also have 2 xmas parties to go to so I've bought 2 new outfits as they were an absolute bargain! Our first xmas party is on Thursday night in Soho so looking forward to dancing the night away with a lot of people I never see otherwise from my old office. Then next Friday the big party is held in Pinewood studios so I'm expecting to be whisked off by Daniel Craig in a Bond suit! Always lots of champagne, wine and good food to make the evening even better ;)

Lot's of things are changing here in time for 2007. Ludovic is moving from our house to his own studio flat, so a friend of a friend from Sweden is moving in today :)

Then for some bigger news: Last week Erika and I took the plunge and without much ado put an offer on a flat and it's now in the process of being purchased! We're crossing our fingers that we get to sign contracts before xmas, that would take a whole load off our minds and let us celebrate this season in style! It also means that we have a lot of work ahead of us next year when it comes to house-decorating etc but hopefully we'll get there in the end and can relax and watch our new investment grow! So any donations towards new paint and bathroom gratefully accepted!

It also means that I'm absolutely on rock-bottom financially so this xmas will be spent window-shopping and dreaming of nice birthday gifts instead... maybe that DULUX paint in #0012 colour would do me nicely, haha!

But I won't give away too many details of our new purchase before we know more and we've signed that contract and been approved for a mortgage so we can pay for it all! In the meantime I'm losing lots of sleep for no reason so was kept in bed all week by a nasty case of tonsillitis that almost killed me. Then my recovery was as quick as snapping my fingers! Virus puzzle me sometimes, how you can feel so sick one day and 2 days later like you've never been sick at all!

So now I'm party party party girl again but without any distraction to keep my mind off things which I desperately need now...


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